Monday, October 24, 2016

Punk Rockin' 🤘🏼

Good Morning, Monday!
I hope all of you enjoyed Mole Day for me yesterday. #JustChemistryThings⚗

This week was transfers and......... Sister Watkins and I are together
another transfer!  So now she's my first companion to last longer than
6 weeks.  This also means I'll be in the Kentlands area for at least 6
months of my mission...that's a long time, but it hasn't felt that

We lost 3 sisters on Wednesday and gained 6 new ones--that's a ton
when you consider that our VC was only ever intended to hold 24
sisters and we're now sitting at 29.  Our VC has had quite the
turn-over of sisters since summer started.

We've also seen a lot of miracles this week.  I personally contribute
them to our companionship being more obedient and also more
consecrated--It just goes to show that God helps you out when you help

We had three killer lessons with our three most progressing sets of
investigators too.
We had a lesson with our Polish family of five and talked about the
importance of the Book of Mormon, and how by reading it, you can find
answers to the soul--like where did I come from, what's it like after
I die, and how do I have a stronger family.  (Selfish note: I really
want them to get baptized soon so I can be able to go to their
sealing, because they're going to join the church, it's just a matter
of when.)

We also had a lesson with a lady that Sister Watkins and Hermana
Klaass had put on baptismal date the week before (on exchanges).  The
only problem we're having with her is that she has three little kids
and no car so we can't really ask people to give her a ride nor does
she have somebody that could watch the kids while she comes to church.

We also had another lesson Friday night with Mireille--she's the one
that randomly turned up at church last week, and it was one of the
most picture-perfect lessons we've had.  We covered the entire
Restoration, gave her one copy of the Book of Mormon in English and
another in French, and she came to church yesterday too!  She is so
prepared to receive the Gospel.

Keep praying for me but more importantly, the investigators that we're
working with--they're all so close to joining the church!

I hope you all have a great rest of your week!  Also, can't wait to
see your costumes for Halloween!

~Sister Galli

Sister Watkins decided she wanted to do my hair on Saturday and I'm
still trying to decide if I like it...leaning towards yes.  It's
braided on the side that looks pinned back.

On Tuesday the 18th, these gals hit their 5 month mark
Eating Chinese take-out so they can stay in their pjs for most of the day
P-day adventure: mouse under the couch


She doesn't have any mouse traps and didn't want to go to the store quite yet.
Not sure what she's going to do with it after she catches it.
This apartment is teaching her so many life skills, mainly survival.

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