Monday, May 8, 2017

Up to Our Elbows in Cleaning Supplies 💪🏼

My apologies for two slow weeks in a row :\ (I got sick if that's exciting news for anyone...?)

This week our efforts were primarily spent in the act of finding--knocking doors and talking to people on the street. We heard through a few different sources that we white-washed this area because the previous sisters (not sure how far back it includes) had a hard time finding new investigators to teach because they'd spend a large amount of their time at members' homes instead.  To which I can hardly blame them because this area has some of the best members I've ever met in a ward I've served in, but it's about remembering our purpose as missionaries, too.  So we're putting our right feet forward and doing the hard thing, like knocking those doors.

We spent quite a few hours this week doing service for some of our investigators.  One is sadly moving to Hawaii and needed help finishing cleaning up their house before the landlords come to inspect it.  Since I'm going back to the VC soon, we'll rely on our online teaching center (TC) to stay in touch with her and make sure missionaries in Hawaii get to her! #ModernMissionaryWork 

The other investigator family we spent a lot of time serving was rotating three rooms in their home.  The girl got moved to the boy's room, the boy got moved to the spare room, and the spare got moved to the girl's room.  All so that the baby could be moved out of the parent's room and in with the spare room.  Complicated much?  But it was nice to help them out (as well as it was nice to work in jeans for a few hours).

I have a strong testimony of service and the power it has to soften people's hearts.  The Savior Himself went about doing good and serving all those He came in contact with, and just like Him, we are able to see miracles too when we forget ourselves and serve others with no ulterior motives.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms!

~Sister Galli

We had exchanges this week, so that was a blast!
This picture brought to you by: crappy parking garage lighting


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