Monday, November 14, 2016

She Finally Broke Me πŸŽ…πŸΌ

Hello everyone!  I miss all your beautiful smiling faces :)
To be honest, I miss any smiling faces.  Nobody smiles in DC.
Especially after Tuesday (There are more democrats per capita in
Maryland than any other state).  But I digress!

Not a lot has happened since I emailed last week on Wednesday.  Friday
night ALL of our appointments fell through, which is a huge bummer,
but what can you do.

The decorations at the VC for Christmas are almost entirely done.
There's a lot of cool trees.  There's 12 or so trees in the VC (the
12ft tall kind) and two are decorated with dolls from all around the
world.  The other 10 or so are decorated by each of the surrounding
stakes each year.  I'll have to grab pictures of them this week,
because they're really cool to look at :)

The Chinese Elders had a baptism on Sunday and they invited our
investigators to attend.  Our family of 5 came and watched but they
had to leave quickly after, so we hope that when we follow up with
them, they'll have positive comments and maybe feel like it's right to
be baptized soon :D

~Sister Galli

I made it so close to going until after Thanksgiving before starting
to listen to Christmas music. Today Sister Watkins found my iPod and
started playing all my Piano Guys Christmas albums... So close...

One of the trees with dolls from around the world.
I bet ya can't guess why she chose this section to take a picture of....

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Temple Trip

Howdy y'all!
Funny hearing from me on a Wednesday, no?
Well, this week, my p-day got swapped for a Wednesday instead of a
Monday so we could go to the temple (it's closed on Mondays).  It was
so nice.  The inside of the Temple is always so peaceful and
enlightening.  I invite all of you to either go or to work towards
being worthy to go inside a temple. It truly is a little piece of
heaven on earth.
Today has been really full, so this email will be more of a tiny
update than anything else.
We caught two more mice this week, giving us a grand total of 6.
There's no sign of others, but we'll probably go buy more traps
Like, I said, we were able to go to the temple 😊
We got flu shots and I didn't cry πŸŽ‰
We're still working with our Polish famly as well as this
relatively-new lady from Camaroon.  They all want to get baptized but
in December, so I may or may not be in the area. 😐
That'll be hard to see if I've worked on this area from absolutely
nothing to greatness and not be here for the harvest.  We shall see
We found that a great finding activity is raking peoples leaves for themπŸ‚
As for the rest of the week, it's been a lot of the same--checking on
less-active members and visiting former investigators.  We've been
teaching a lot though and that's been great.

We can feel your prayers for these investigators.  Thank you and keep
up the good work!

~Sister Galli

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Bonus Blog Post

So, I (Natalie) found out yesterday that two of my best friends (Brooke Thompson and Brittany Weibel, who are practically sisters to me) both have plans to visit DC this month. I knew Brooke was heading up there in December to see the Christmas lights at the temple, but she ended up needing to travel up there this weekend for a funeral as well. Brooke only lives 5 hours away in NC, so it's not that surprising, but I also recently found out that Brittany (who lives in CO) has plans to travel there for a family vacation. WHAT?!? I guess that would be one of the perks of your child going to a mission that attracts tourists - VISITORS! In fact, she is serving in the VISITOR'S center at the temple, so that makes it even more convenient. With such short notice for Brooke's visit today, there was no way to let Hannah know and to hear back from her regarding her schedule at the VC. It was a matter of them just showing up and hoping for the best. Brooke said the traffic was unexpectedly light and they made it to the VC before the morning shift went home but just before the afternoon shift would be showing up, so both possibilities were covered.

She kept texting me pictures as they got closer. I was having serious butterflies at this point.

It seemed to me like they found her pretty easily and quickly. I was so thrilled!

Selfie first!
Love this pic! Notice the picture-perfect matching outfits :)
She hugged her and smelled her hair for me, just like I asked her to. She also took a few videos of her for me:

She told Brooke this is her favorite thing about the VC.
It's a model of what the temple looks like inside.
 Then, Sister Galli took them on a tour of the Visitor's Center.
Pioneer Women Past and Present art display

Apparently there's a 'house' in there.

Media Room
I saw more of the Visitor's Center in the hour that Brooke was visiting than I have seen in the 5 months that Hannah has been there. I guess she didn't think it would be interesting to us, but I love seeing where she spends her time. When you want something done, Brooke is your gal! 

Time for the Thompsons to leave, but they'll be back again in December to see the lights.