Monday, April 24, 2017

Nada Mucho this "Week"

Yes, I know the subject line is awful Spanglish grammar, but since it's only been 3 days since my last p-day, there really hasn't been much that's happened, or nada mucho.

On Saturday, we put aside planning any teaching appointments during the mid-day and early evening time and just did finding.  I wouldn't say there are any miracles from those hours of tracting in the rain yet, but we were able to talk to 50 people, which is a lot (our mission goal is 20 a day).

Our most progressing investigator is Mario.  I'm not sure if I've talked about him much, but he's fun.  He's in his 60s with a Catholic-ish background, and he initially began learning more about the Church in an attempt to prove it wrong.  So he whipped out his Bible and is reading the New Testament alongside the Book of Mormon. Well, he's about 1/4 or 1/3 of the way done and instead of finding fault, he's gained a testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith.  Oops  ;) He came to all three hours of church yesterday and he loved it all (he's been to just Sacrament meeting in the past).  One of the speakers in church was a guy from the Stake High Counsel named Ken Niumatalolo.  (If you've seen Meet the Mormons, he's the coach for the Navy).  Really cool to meet him, and Mario recognized him too.  After church, we saw Mario jump somebody's car for them in the parking lot. We remarked that he's already a Mormon.
Sunday Evening was the monthly Why I Believe fireside at the Visitors' Center (so it was so great to see all the other sisters) (I say that every time I see them because it's so nice).  But the main speaker was Mason Wells.  He's the guy that was a missionary and was injured in the Brussels bombing just over a year ago. His testimony was so incredibly powerful!  He shared his story and everybody in that auditorium was moved.  And guess who we brought along?  Mario.  We got a text from him this morning.  He said, "I got an answer.  Sort of.  In the form of a parable."  We inquired what this parable was to which he replied, "When you are on a sinking boat and another boat comes by to save you, you don't worry about the color of the arrival or whether it had scratches. I woke up in the middle of the night with this.  Tells me I have been going about this all wrong by focusing on the little details."  He further went on to say, "It all depends on the prophet thing.  If the prophets are true then nothing else matters.  So that should be my focus."  We said we'd love to help him learn more about prophets at the Visitors' Center when he's back in town next week.  We are so excited for him!  Even in just the 2 short weeks we've known him, we've been able to see the difference that the gospel has made in his life.  The Church is true, man!

Sorry about the shorter email, but that's what you get when my week was 3 days!

Love you all!
~Sister Galli

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